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How Yahoo! buying IndexTools changes Web Analytics

An analysis of how Yahoo's recent purchase of IndexTools changes the web analytics game.
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Alexa ranking system changed

Alexa has just overhauled the way it calculates and ranks web sites' popularity, taking into account data beyond just the Alexa toolbar. How does your site fare now?
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16 awesome Aviary tutorials

16 examples of using Aviary to perform image manipulations. Not bad for an online graphics suite.
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19 Visual Effects that entertain and amuse

19 impressive visual effects to wow your visitors.
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CSS Gradients in WebKit

WebKit now supports CSS gradients without the use of images. Linear and Radial.gradients can be applied to backgrounds, borders, even bullet lists.
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Free background patterns and textures

Free, original background patterns and textures, from Squidfingers.
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GridFox is a Firefox extension that overlays a grid on any website.
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63 Impressive Website Background-Images

Background images are one of the visual elements that when designed properly, can create an amazing atmosphere and convey the style the designer has chosen for the website.
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How Design Impacts Social Media Success

8 Ways Design Influences Social Media Users
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Developing an accessible slider using jQuery

A walk thru on using jQuery to create an accessible slider.

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